Get your Umoja On!

Anana PTO Mission:

The mission of the Anana Elementary School PTO is to work together to support students, families, teachers and staff educationally, socially, and culturally within an equitable community of learning by:

Fostering connections between families and teachers and staff within the Anana school community.

Providing programs, enrichment experiences, and services that strengthen and support the Anana school community.

Supporting antiracist policies.

Virtual Meetings

Meet us on Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

“My intent was to make this a more just and righteous world,” she once told a local newspaper. “My intent was to have America live up to its promise.”
                             - Milele Chikasa Anana

Subscribe and Stay Connected

Hello Anana Community! As we celebrate our new school name and continue our journey as a community we want to stay connected with you! Please subscribe to our email list for valuable updates!

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